A PostgreSQL extension with tools for benchmarking different SIOSE database configurations (pure relational, indexed, json, jsonb, xml, etc)
Requirements: PostgreSQL 9.5+, postgis extension
In directory where you downloaded pg_siose_bench run
sudo make install
NEED TO START HERE!!! All other steps depend on this one Rename or drop columns, add indexes, comma separated text to arrays, etc
SELECT relational.setup_relational();
Now, use the create a JSONB document store
SELECT relational.jsonb_setup();
Build grids from geometries in the relational schema. You could replace 'relational.siose_polygons' by 'jsonb.docstore_jsonb' and get the same results. However, you could use a diferent boundary (e.g. administrative region, ROI, etc).
SELECT grids.build_regular_grids('grids.spain_boundary_100k', 'relational.siose_polygons');
Add logging capabilities
SELECT reports.setup_log_query_plans();
Now, you can use several testing functions to perform some experiments.
Run a complete relational experiment
SELECT relational.reclass_into_coniferous_density_groups();
SELECT relational.sum_area_of_coniferous_plantations();
SELECT relational.which_coniferous_patches();
SELECT relational.which_large_coniferous_patches();
SELECT relational.which_reforested_areas();
SELECT relational.which_scattered_urbanisation();
Run a complete jsonb experiment
SELECT jsonb.reclass_into_coniferous_density_groups();
SELECT jsonb.sum_area_of_coniferous_plantations();
SELECT jsonb.which_coniferous_patches();
SELECT jsonb.which_large_coniferous_patches();
SELECT jsonb.which_reforested_areas();
SELECT jsonb.which_scattered_urbanisation();