Goal is to compare the behavior/usefullness of Helm CRD based operators and the benefits they would bring to the Airship ecosystem.
Operator contains high level drawing describing the strategy used to design the CRDs.
This Operator uses the Airship CRDs (ArmadaChart) and leverage Helm and enable the sequencement of those deployments using either ArmadaChartGroup or Argo Workflows. This operator make extensive use of golang, the operator-framework and kubebuilder. This operator aims at dealing with the differences between Helm v2 and Helm v3 (no tiller, Release CRD).
This Operator simply embeeds the RabbitMQ Openstack HELM chart to Armada-Operator container image.
There is no additional golang code specific code for this operator.
make install
followed by make installmanifest
will deploy RabbitMQ on your K8s cluster.
This Operator simply embeeds the Memcached Openstack HELM chart to Armada-Operator container image.
There is no additional golang code specific code for this operator.
make install
followed by make installmanifest
will deploy Memcached on your K8s cluster.
This Operator simply embeeds the MariaDB Openstack HELM chart to Armada-Operator container image.
There is no additional golang code specific code for this operator.
make install
followed by make installmanifest
will deploy MariaDB on your K8s cluster.
This Operator simply embeeds the RabbitMQ, Memcached, MariaDB and Keystone Openstack HELM charts
to Armada-Operator container image.
There is no additional golang code specific code for this operator.
make install
followed by make installmanifest
will deploy Keystone on your K8s cluster.
Operator contains high level drawing describing the strategy used to design the CRDs.
This POC is leveraging the CRD framework with Argo framework in an attempt to control the LCM operations applicable to an Openstack cluster.
This POC is the first prototype of an Operator leveraging Helm and Argo.