Update: April 11, 2020 I have updated get_navfile.m. This removes a previous poor choice of nav archive (UNAVCO), and provides two new and better ones: CDDIS and NGS. As before, it also checks SOPAC.
This code is basd on a previous matlab library that was published in GPS Solutions (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10291-018-0744-8) and the GPS Tool Box (https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/gps-toolbox/GNSS-IR.htm) That version is also hosted on this gitHub account. Version 3 is my attempt to make code available that is better oriented towards routine analysis and more similar to the python code.
There is no RH dot correction as yet. There is a simple refraction correction that you can turn on/off in the main code.
WARNING: These codes do not calculate soil moisture.
You need to define three environment variables:
EXE = where the non-matlab executables will live.
ORBITS = where the GPS/GNSS orbits will be stored
REFL_CODE = where the reflection code file (SNR files and results) will be stored
Until I can figure out how to access environment variables in Matlab using bash, you also need to define the wget executable and store that as environment variable WGET
My RINEX translators are on this gitHub acccount, bu if you are using Linux on a PC or MacOS, I will be posting static executable files as soon as I get a chance. The ones you need must be named gpsSNR.e and gnssSNR.e and stored in EXE.
CRX2RNX, Compressed to Uncompressed RINEX, which you can find at http://terras.gsi.go.jp/ja/crx2rnx.html This must be stored in the EXE directory.
Change this function to set your environment variables: set_reflection_env_variables.m
The main function call is gnssIR_lomb.m It has both required and optional inputs. The function run_mulitple_days.m gives you an idea of how it could be called and used in a loop (i.e. through multiple days and years). I have also provided testcase_cryosphere.m for a site in Antarctica.
station name (4 characters, lowercase)
day of year
freqtype, for GPS this is 1, 2, or 5. Glonass, 101 or 102. Galileo, 201, 205, 206, 207, 208.
snrtype is integer shorthand for the kinds of elevation angle data you want to save from the RINEX file. Here are the allowed options:
99 5-30 elev.
66 < 30 elev.
88 5-90 elev.
50 < 10 elev.
plot2screen - boolean for whether you want to see the raw data plots. You will set this to false once you understand your site.
gps_or_gnss - 1 is for GPS (nav orbits) and 2 is for GNSS (sp3 orbits which include all constellations).
Optional inputs (in this order):
- elevation angle minimum, degrees - default is set to 0.5
- elevation angle maximum, degrees - default is set to 6
- min Reflector Height (m) - default is set to 0.5
- max Reflector Height (m) - default is set to 6
- min Azimuth, degrees - default checks 8 quadrants - 45 degrees each
- max Azimuth, degrees
- minimum allowed Lomb Scargle Periodogram amplitude - 8
Don't ask me where version 2 went - that is a secret.
Kristine M. Larson https://kristinelarson.net