An API centric auth server. Uses Sequelize and mariaDB by default.
This server is available via docker hub at krgamestudios/auth-server.
There are multiple ways to run this app - it can run on it's own via npm start
(for production) or npm run dev
(for development). it can also run inside docker using docker compose up --build
- run node configure-script.js
to generate docker-compose.yml and startup.sql.
//DOCS: Will send a validation email to the given email address
POST /auth/signup
Content-Type: application/json
"email": "[email protected]",
"username": "example",
"password": "helloworld"
//DOCS: Used for validating the email address specified above
GET /auth/validation?username=example&token=12345678
//DOCS: If the environment variable HOOK_POST_VALIDATION_ARRAY is set to a JSON array of valid URLs, then the server will send a GET message to each URL with the newly created account's index
//DOCS: The GET requests will have a JWT authorization header
GET {HOOK_POST_VALIDATION_ARRAY[i]}?accountIndex={index}
//DOCS: Login after validation
POST /auth/login
Content-Type: application/json
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "helloworld"
//DOCS: Result (access token's value is your authorization key below)
Set-Cookie: refreshToken
"accessToken": "abcde"
//DOCS: Replace an expired accessToken with a new value
POST /auth/token
Cookie: refreshToken
//DOCS: Result
Set-Cookie: refreshToken
"accessToken": "abcde"
//DOCS: After this is called, the /auth/token route will no longer work
DELETE /auth/logout
Authorization: Bearer accessToken
Cookie: refreshToken
//DOCS: Retrieves the private account data, results vary
GET /auth/account
Authorization: Bearer accessToken
//DOCS: Update account data
PATCH /auth/account
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer accessToken
"password": "helloworld",
"contact": true
//DOCS: Sets the timer, account will be deleted after 2 days
DELETE /auth/account
Authorization: Bearer accessToken
Content-Type: application/json
"password": "helloworld"
//DOCS: Send the link to recover a forgotten password
POST /auth/recover
Content-Type: application/json
"email": "[email protected]"
//DOCS: Redirect the link to recover a password to the front-end
GET /auth/reset?token=<token>
//DOCS: Result
301 -> ${WEB_RESET_ADDRESS}?email=<email>&token=<token>
//DOCS: Resets a password for the given email, correct token is required
PATCH /auth/reset?email=<email>&token=<token>
"password": "password"