Developed by Konscript, powered by WordPress, based on Kontemplate.
For rapid theme development for WordPress, Kontemplate WP provides a rich boilerplate to help you get started building your own parent theme. It's works as a customizable skeleton theme that provides a rich set of default templates and a predefined structure for all theme files.
The source files can be found at
Out-of-the-box theme tools and configurations include:
Hybrid Core (theme development toolset that provides many useful functions and shortcuts)
Compass (stylesheet framework to that links blueprint and css3 utils in sass)
Sass/SCSS (extension to css that adds nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance and more)
Blueprint (css framework that, primarily, provides a solid grid-based layout)
Dummy WP content (various dummy content that can be imported into WP)
Git Ignore (.gitignore that disregard WP core files and alike for Git management)
There's a wide array of useful CMS-enabling plugins for WordPress. (Section is WIP)