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fix: status number helper
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kazemmdev committed Sep 23, 2023
1 parent c2e97c7 commit f34b4ac
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 88 deletions.
176 changes: 88 additions & 88 deletions src/Http.php
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Expand Up @@ -7,94 +7,94 @@
use Kazemmdev\HttpStatus\Exceptions\UndefinedException;

* @method static CONTINUE(): int // return 100
* @method static SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS(): int // return 101
* @method static PROCESSING(): int // return 102
* @method static EARLY_HINTS(): int // return 103
* @method static OK(): int // return 200
* @method static CREATED(): int // return 201
* @method static ACCEPTED(): int // return 202
* @method static NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION(): int // return 203
* @method static NO_CONTENT(): int // return 204
* @method static RESET_CONTENT(): int // return 205
* @method static PARTIAL_CONTENT(): int // return 206
* @method static MULTI_STATUS(): int // return 207
* @method static ALREADY_REPORTED(): int // return 208
* @method static THIS_IS_FINE(): int // return 218
* @method static IM_USED(): int // return 226
* @method static MULTIPLE_CHOICES(): int // return 300
* @method static MOVED_PERMANENTLY(): int // return 301
* @method static FOUND(): int // return 302
* @method static SEE_OTHER(): int // return 303
* @method static NOT_MODIFIED(): int // return 304
* @method static USE_PROXY(): int // return 305
* @method static TEMPORARY_REDIRECT(): int // return 307
* @method static PERMANENT_REDIRECT(): int // return 308
* @method static BAD_REQUEST(): int // return 400
* @method static UNAUTHORIZED(): int // return 401
* @method static PAYMENT_REQUIRED(): int // return 402
* @method static FORBIDDEN(): int // return 403
* @method static NOT_FOUND(): int // return 404
* @method static METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED(): int // return 405
* @method static NOT_ACCEPTABLE(): int // return 406
* @method static PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED(): int // return 407
* @method static REQUEST_TIMEOUT(): int // return 408
* @method static CONFLICT(): int // return 409
* @method static GONE(): int // return 410
* @method static LENGTH_REQUIRED(): int // return 411
* @method static PRECONDITION_FAILED(): int // return 412
* @method static PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE(): int // return 413
* @method static URI_TOO_LONG(): int // return 414
* @method static UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE(): int // return 415
* @method static RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE(): int // return 416
* @method static EXPECTATION_FAILED(): int // return 417
* @method static I_AM_A_TEAPOT(): int // return 418
* @method static PAGE_EXPIRED(): int // return 419
* @method static MISDIRECTED_REQUEST(): int // return 421
* @method static UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY(): int // return 422
* @method static LOCKED(): int // return 423
* @method static FAILED_DEPENDENCY(): int // return 424
* @method static TOO_EARLY(): int // return 425
* @method static UPGRADE_REQUIRED(): int // return 426
* @method static PRECONDITION_REQUIRED(): int // return 428
* @method static TOO_MANY_REQUESTS(): int // return 429
* @method static REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE(): int // return 431
* @method static LOGIN_TIME_OUT(): int // return 440
* @method static NO_RESPONSE(): int // return 444
* @method static RETRY_WITH(): int // return 449
* @method static BLOCKED_BY_WINDOWS_PARENTAL_CONTROL(): int // return 450
* @method static UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS(): int // return 451
* @method static CLIENT_CLOSED_THE_CONNECTION(): int // return 460
* @method static X_FORWARDED_FOR_TOO_LARGE(): int // return 463
* @method static REQUEST_HEADER_TOO_LARGE(): int // return 494
* @method static SSL_CERTIFICATE_ERROR(): int // return 495
* @method static SSL_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED(): int // return 496
* @method static HTTP_REQUEST_SENT_TO_HTTPS_PORT(): int // return 497
* @method static INVALID_TOKEN(): int // return 498
* @method static TOKEN_REQUIRED(): int // return 499
* @method static INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(): int // return 500
* @method static NOT_IMPLEMENTED(): int // return 501
* @method static BAD_GATEWAY(): int // return 502
* @method static SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE(): int // return 503
* @method static GATEWAY_TIMEOUT(): int // return 504
* @method static HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED(): int // return 505
* @method static VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES(): int // return 506
* @method static INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE(): int // return 507
* @method static LOOP_DETECTED(): int // return 508
* @method static BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED(): int // return 509
* @method static NOT_EXTENDED(): int // return 510
* @method static NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED(): int // return 511
* @method static WEB_SERVER_RETURNED_AN_UNKNOWN_ERROR(): int // return 520
* @method static WEB_SERVER_IS_DOWN(): int // return 521
* @method static CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT(): int // return 522
* @method static ORIGIN_IS_UNREACHABLE(): int // return 523
* @method static A_TIMEOUT_OCCURRED(): int // return 524
* @method static SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED(): int // return 525
* @method static INVALID_SSL_CERTIFICATE(): int // return 526
* @method static RAILGUN_ERROR(): int // return 527
* @method static SITE_IS_OVERLOADED(): int // return 529
* @method static SITE_IS_FROZEN(): int // return 530
* @method static NETWORK_READ_TIMEOUT_ERROR(): int // return 598
* @method static CONTINUE(): int[100]
* @method static SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS(): int[101]
* @method static PROCESSING(): int[102]
* @method static EARLY_HINTS(): int[103]
* @method static OK(): int[200]
* @method static CREATED(): int[201]
* @method static ACCEPTED(): int[202]
* @method static NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION(): int[203]
* @method static NO_CONTENT(): int[204]
* @method static RESET_CONTENT(): int[205]
* @method static PARTIAL_CONTENT(): int[206]
* @method static MULTI_STATUS(): int[207]
* @method static ALREADY_REPORTED(): int[208]
* @method static THIS_IS_FINE(): int[218]
* @method static IM_USED(): int[226]
* @method static MULTIPLE_CHOICES(): int[300]
* @method static MOVED_PERMANENTLY(): int[301]
* @method static FOUND(): int[302]
* @method static SEE_OTHER(): int[303]
* @method static NOT_MODIFIED(): int[304]
* @method static USE_PROXY(): int[305]
* @method static TEMPORARY_REDIRECT(): int[307]
* @method static PERMANENT_REDIRECT(): int[308]
* @method static BAD_REQUEST(): int[400]
* @method static UNAUTHORIZED(): int[401]
* @method static PAYMENT_REQUIRED(): int[402]
* @method static FORBIDDEN(): int[403]
* @method static NOT_FOUND(): int[404]
* @method static METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED(): int[405]
* @method static NOT_ACCEPTABLE(): int[406]
* @method static PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED(): int[407]
* @method static REQUEST_TIMEOUT(): int[408]
* @method static CONFLICT(): int[409]
* @method static GONE(): int[410]
* @method static LENGTH_REQUIRED(): int[411]
* @method static PRECONDITION_FAILED(): int[412]
* @method static PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE(): int[413]
* @method static URI_TOO_LONG(): int[414]
* @method static UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE(): int[415]
* @method static RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE(): int[416]
* @method static EXPECTATION_FAILED(): int[417]
* @method static I_AM_A_TEAPOT(): int[418]
* @method static PAGE_EXPIRED(): int[419]
* @method static MISDIRECTED_REQUEST(): int[421]
* @method static UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY(): int[422]
* @method static LOCKED(): int[423]
* @method static FAILED_DEPENDENCY(): int[424]
* @method static TOO_EARLY(): int[425]
* @method static UPGRADE_REQUIRED(): int[426]
* @method static PRECONDITION_REQUIRED(): int[428]
* @method static TOO_MANY_REQUESTS(): int[429]
* @method static REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE(): int[431]
* @method static LOGIN_TIME_OUT(): int[440]
* @method static NO_RESPONSE(): int[444]
* @method static RETRY_WITH(): int[449]
* @method static BLOCKED_BY_WINDOWS_PARENTAL_CONTROL(): int[450]
* @method static UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS(): int[451]
* @method static CLIENT_CLOSED_THE_CONNECTION(): int[460]
* @method static X_FORWARDED_FOR_TOO_LARGE(): int[463]
* @method static REQUEST_HEADER_TOO_LARGE(): int[494]
* @method static SSL_CERTIFICATE_ERROR(): int[495]
* @method static SSL_CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED(): int[496]
* @method static HTTP_REQUEST_SENT_TO_HTTPS_PORT(): int[497]
* @method static INVALID_TOKEN(): int[498]
* @method static TOKEN_REQUIRED(): int[499]
* @method static INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(): int[500]
* @method static NOT_IMPLEMENTED(): int[501]
* @method static BAD_GATEWAY(): int[502]
* @method static SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE(): int[503]
* @method static GATEWAY_TIMEOUT(): int[504]
* @method static HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED(): int[505]
* @method static VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES(): int[506]
* @method static INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE(): int[507]
* @method static LOOP_DETECTED(): int[508]
* @method static BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED(): int[509]
* @method static NOT_EXTENDED(): int[510]
* @method static NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED(): int[511]
* @method static WEB_SERVER_RETURNED_AN_UNKNOWN_ERROR(): int[520]
* @method static WEB_SERVER_IS_DOWN(): int[521]
* @method static CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT(): int[522]
* @method static ORIGIN_IS_UNREACHABLE(): int[523]
* @method static A_TIMEOUT_OCCURRED(): int[524]
* @method static SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED(): int[525]
* @method static INVALID_SSL_CERTIFICATE(): int[526]
* @method static RAILGUN_ERROR(): int[527]
* @method static SITE_IS_OVERLOADED(): int[529]
* @method static SITE_IS_FROZEN(): int[530]
* @method static NETWORK_READ_TIMEOUT_ERROR(): int[598]
enum Http: int
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