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Terraform module which Setup the ECS cluster with desired Launch type i.e., EC2 or FARGATE.

These types of resources are supported:


By default this modules creates the VPC with two public subnets and two private subnets with NAT gateways on each Private subnets. Internet Gateway is associated with public Subnets.

module "main-vpc" {
  source     = ""
  ENV        = "${var.ENV}"                  #productEnv
  VPC_NAME   = "${var.VPC_NAME}"             #productID
  az1        = "${var.AWS_REGION}a"
  az2        = "${var.AWS_REGION}b"

Bastion Host

Bastion host helps us to Jump into the Instances in the private subnets. So this module launches the Instance in the public subnet which act as a jump server. By default Bastion host is launched with attached Administrative access policy and Security group (to access it over SSH)

module "bastion" {
  source         = ""
  ENV            = "${var.ENV}"
  AWS_REGION     = "${var.AWS_REGION}"
  VPC_NAME       = "${var.VPC_NAME}"                     #productID
  vpc_id         = "${module.main-vpc.vpc_id}"           #productVPC
  public_subnets = "${module.main-vpc.public_subnets-1}"
  keyname        = "bastion-key"                         #Key name
  pubkey         = "ssh-rsa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"     #public key


This module launch up the cluster with user defined Launch Type like EC2 or FARGATE with attached Application Loadblancer to send service on your behalf.

module "ecs" {
  source               = ""
  ENV                  = "dev" # Product Environment
  VPC_NAME             = "fusion" # Product Name
  vpc_id               = "${module.main-vpc.vpc_id}"
  public-subnet-1      = "${module.main-vpc.public_subnets-1}"
  public-subnet-2      = "${module.main-vpc.public_subnets-2}"
  appname              = "ecs-demo" # Application Name
  min_size             = "1" # default 1, Minimum no of Instance node (ASG)
  max_size             = "4" # default 4, Maximum no of Instance node (ASG)
  desired_capacity     = "2" # default 2, number of Amazon EC2 instances that should be running
  keyname              = "ecskey"# key Name
  pubkey               = "ssh-rsa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # Public key
  instance_type        = "t2.micro" # default t2.micro
  applicationPort      = "80" # Application port no (for security group)
  target_group         = "${module.alb.tagetGroup}"
  container_name       = "demo-ecs-container" # Container Name
  container_port       = "80"
  ecs_task_family      = "nginx" # Task defination name
  container_definitions= "${file("container_definition.json")}"
  desired_count        = "2" # default 1
  launch_type          = "EC2" # valid values are EC2 and FARGATE, default is EC2
  iam_policy_name      = "ecs-policy"     #Policy Name
  iam_instance_profile = "ecs-profile"    # Instance profile Name
  iam_role             = "fusion-dev-ecs" # Role Name


This module set the Loadblancer with designed Target Group. By default it will launch up the two Listeners one on 80 port and Other one on 443 port with attached SSL certificate.

module "alb" {
  source               = ""
  ENV                  = "dev" # Product Environment
  VPC_NAME             = "fusion" # Product Name
  appname              = "ecs-demo" # Application Name
  vpc_id               = "${module.main-vpc.vpc_id}"
  public-subnet-1      = "${module.main-vpc.public_subnets-1}"
  public-subnet-2      = "${module.main-vpc.public_subnets-2}"
  certificate_arn     = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"



Name Description Type Default Required
ENV Infrastructure Environment String dev no
VPC_NAME Infrastructure Name String Demo-dev no
pubkey Key which is to associate with bastion host String " " yes
Application Name Name for your Application to be deployed in Cluster String " " yes
Launch Type Cluster Launch type i.e. EC2 or FARGATE String EC2 no
SSL Certificate SSL Certificate ARN String " " yes


Name Description
vpc_id VPC ID
public_subnets-1 ID of public subnet 1
public_subnets-2 ID of public subnet 2
private_subnets-1 ID of private subnet 1
private_subnets-2 ID of private subnet 2
Loadblancer DNS DNS name of Loadblancer


Module is maintained by Karan Sharma.


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.