The Student Details Form site built to take the data like Name, USN (University Seat Number), Grade, Linked-in Profile Name, Github Profile Name and store it in the Mongo DB Atlas Cloud. Its Hosted Under Azure Web Service.
Python 3.11.1 (Recommended)
- flask
- pymongo
- configparser
- Intialize a Git Repository.
git init
- Clone the Current Git Repository.
git clone
- Crete a Virtual Environment named env and Activate it(PowerShell)
python -m venv env
- Install all the Modules Present in requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Give The Appropriate Mongo DB Credentials in config
After Importing all the mentioned modules, Run app
Ithe Webpage will take Data Like Name, USN, Grade, Linked IN Profile, Github Profile and Stres it in Mongo DB Atlas. If the USN is Alreday Present then it will Just Updates the Data for that USN. USN is used as _id here.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected] . You are also welcomed to add new features by creating Pull Requests.