Justin Baum and Jadon Schuler Dec 2, 2020 NTRU Cryptosystem
List of Files:
src/decrypt.py: Decryption driver
src/defaults.py: NTRU Arguments
src/encrypt.py: Encryption driver
src/gen_key.py: Key generation driver
src/ntru.py: NTRU functions
src/polynomials.py: Polynomial functions
src/utils.py: Modular arithmetic helper functions
Built in Python 3.9
To install:
pip3 install sympy
To test a module, run the following:
python3 src/module.py -v
To generate keys, run the following:
src/gen_key.py -pub <pubkeyfile> -pri <prikeyfile>
This generates and places the public key in and the private key information in .
To encrypt a message file, run the following:
src/encrypt.py -pub <pubkeyfile> -m <messagefile> -o <outputfile>
This uses the public key in to encrypt the message in , and writes the cipher text as space separated integers into .
To encrypt a message file, run the following:
src/encrypt.py -pri <prikeyfile> -m <messagefile> -o <outputfile>
This uses the private key information stored in to decrypt the message in , and writes the decrypted message into .
There is a probability that a certain key may not have a successful decryptionsee here. In our experience about 8-9 out of every ten are successful. Values for df should be no more than N/2 (ceiling), while values of dg should be no more than N/2 (floor).
To change parameters check defaults.py
, and change coresponding values.