The aim of this project is to simplify the setup and configuration of monitoring a SunSpec compatible solar system.
Git (optional) -
Docker Compose -
Your inverter needs to be configured to have MODBUS TCP enabled.
For SolarEdge Inverters, refer to
Clone repository:
git clone --single-branch --branch master
To build and start containers:
docker-compose up -d --build
To stop containers
docker-compose down
InfluxDB is preconfigured with username admin
and password password
and a temporary token, accessed at http://localhost:8086/
It's recommended to change this password, and create new tokens for Grafana and Node Red.
Access at http://localhost:8880/
Set 'Solar Edge MODBUS' hostname/IP address and port, and enable flow.
Deploy changes.
Access at http://localhost:3000/ and login with username: admin
, password: admin
Save nodered data elsewhere.