Creates a six node kubernetes cluster in a private network in the Hetzner cloud for fun.
Remember, some costs will occur when using the Hetzner Cloud.
export HCLOUD_TOKEN=your-hetzner-api-token
export TF_VAR_node_admin_ssh_public_key=path-to-your-ssh-pub-key
export PRIV_KEY_PATH=path-to-your-ssh-priv-key
Go into the provisioning
terraform init
terraform apply
Go into the configuration
ansible-playbook -i hosts kubernetes.yml -f 6 --private-key=$PRIV_KEY_PATH
SSH to the first controller (address in file configuration/hosts
) and run
kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get nodes
which should display your ready nodes.
If you want to destroy the cluster just run
terraform destroy
in the provisioning