This is a simple buildout recipe to collect symbolic links.
For example, you have isolated buildout environment, but want pull some files from a standart debian's distribution os pyexiv2.
In that case, you can collect all neccessary links in one directory
and add it as extra-path
. Or use it to make symlink to django admin's
media directory.
Here is a minimal buildout.cfg:
parts = pyexiv2 python django-media
recipe = svetlyak40wt.recipe.symlinks
path = parts/pyexiv2
files =
/tmp my-temp
recipe = svetlyak40wt.recipe.symlinks
path = media
files =
${buildout:parts-directory}/django/django/contrib/admin/media admin
# Another way to link into the egg
recipe = svetlyak40wt.recipe.symlinks
path = media
files =
django://django/contrib/admin/media admin
# An egg where the egg name differs from the first path segment
recipe = svetlyak40wt.recipe.symlinks
path = media
files =
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
interpreter = python
eggs = ipython
extra-paths = ${pyexiv2:path}
Changed the way how paths into eggs are computed. Removed package.key from beeing the first path segment
Added ability to link resources inside egg, using following syntax: package://relative-path Now recipe removes old link when target changes.
Prevent zc.buildout from removing all directory content on uninstall. Now script removes just those symlinks which was created during the previous call. Thanks to Shaun Sephton for the patch.
Added ability to supply custom link name. So, if you specify files=/blah/minor foo
and path=media
, then file /blah/minor
will be linked as media/foo
Fixed bug when first directories of the path
don't exist.
Initial release. Seems that all work as supposed.
Alexander Artemenko svetlyak.40wt at
- Shaun Sephton: patch to remove symlinks only.
Feel free to comment, clone and send patches.