This repository contains the source code for the samples discussed in Quantum Computing for Developers
It is based on the Strange Quantum Simulator, which provides an execution environment for
quantum algorithms in Java.
Some samples use a UI, e.g. to visualize the quantum circuit. In
that case, StrangeFX
is used, which is a JavaFX-based framework that allows the visualisation
of quantum circuits.
The samples in this repository correspond to the chapters in the book. Don't worry if you don't have the book, you can still run the samples.
Pauli X
Pauli X with user interface
Classic coins
Quantum coins
CNot gate
Bell state
Classic network
No-cloning theorem
Quantum Teleportation
Quantum Repeater
RandomBit with debug
Quantum Adder
Quantum Adder with carry bit
A first (naive) approach
Applying 2 Hadamard gates
Using superposition
Guess the possibilities
QKD in Java
Constant and balanced functions
Reversible gates
Quantum oracle
Applying a Quantum oracle
Deutsch algorithm
Deutsch Jozsa algorithm
A classic search function
Quantum search
The algorithm behind Grover's search
The algorithm, step by step
The quantum Oracle in Grover's search
A classic factoring approach
A classic implementation of a quantum factoringapproach
A quantum factoring approach