platform:ios, '8.0'
target '*****' do
pod 'JhtAnimationTools'
(1) 购物车动画
* rect: 动画开始的坐标; 如果rect传CGRectZero,则用默认开始坐标;
* imageView: 动画对应的imageView;
* view : 在哪个view上显示 (一般传self.view);
* lastPoint: 动画结束的坐标点;
* controlPoint: 动画过程中抛物线的中间转折点;
* per: 决定控制点,起点和终点X坐标之间距离 1/per; 注:如果per <= 0, 则控制点由controlPoint决定,否则控制点由per决定;
* expandAnimationTime: 动画变大的时间
* narrowAnimationTime: 动画变小的时间
* animationValue: 动画变大过程中,变为原来的几倍大
* 注意 : 如果动画过程中,你不想让图片变大变小,保持原来的大小运动,传值如下:
narrowAnimationTime : 动画总共的时间;
- (void)aniStartShopCarAnimationWithStartRect:(CGRect)rect withImageView:(UIImageView *)imageView withView:(UIView *)view withEndPoint:(CGPoint)lastPoint withControlPoint:(CGPoint)controlPoint withStartToEndSpacePercentage:(NSInteger)per withExpandAnimationTime:(CFTimeInterval)expandAnimationTime withNarrowAnimationTime:(CFTimeInterval)narrowAnimationTime withAnimationValue:(CGFloat)animationValue;
(2) 阻尼动画
- 创建阻尼动画的View
/** 获得的阻尼动画的View
* view:黑色背景View的父view(例如:self.view);
* frame:是这个阻尼View的坐标
* isBlack:yes 需要出现黑色背景, no不需要
* bgColor:背景颜色
- (UIView *)aniDampingAnimationWithFView:(UIView *)view withFrame:(CGRect)frame withBackgroundColor:(UIColor *)bgColor isNeedBlackView:(BOOL)isBlack;
- 阻尼动画相关使用方法
/** 开始动画阻尼动画 */
- (void)aniStartDampingAnimation;
/** 关闭阻尼动画 */
- (void)aniCloseDampingAnimation;
/** 获得阻尼动画的黑色背景 */
- (UIView *)aniGetDampingBlackView;
(3) 动画的代理方法
* type == 0 购物车的动画
* type == 1 阻尼动画
* isStop: Yes动画结束, No动画过程中
- (void)JhtAnimationWithType:(NSInteger)type isDidStop:(BOOL)isStop;
- iOS >= 8.0
- iPhone \ iPad
- If you find bug when used,Hope you can Issues me,Thank you or try to download the latest code of this framework to see the BUG has been fixed or not
- If you find the function is not enough when used,Hope you can Issues me,I very much to add more useful function to this framework ,Thank you !