The solution has three projects,
- Web App: ASP.NET Core Blazor Server App
- Public facing app
- Dapr enabled
- Service invocation done through Dapr
- Customers API: ASP.NET Core Minimal API
- Internal: Not exposed to the outside world
- Dapr enabled
- Orders API: ASP.NET Core Minimal API
- Internal: Not exposed to the outside world
- Dapr enabled
# Install the Azure Container Apps extension to the CLI
az extension add `
# Variables
$RESOURCE_GROUP = '<resource-group>'
$LOCATION = "canadacentral"
$CONTAINERAPPS_ENVIRONMENT = '<container-app-environment-name>'
$LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE = "<log-analytics-workspace>"
$STORAGE_ACCOUNT = "<storage-account-name>"
$WEB_APP_NAME = "<web-app-name>"
$WEB_APP_SERVICE_ID = "<web-app-service-id>"
$CUSTOMERS_API_NAME = "<customers-api-name>"
$CUSTOMERS_API_SERVICE_ID = "<customers-api-service-id>"
$ORDERS_API_NAME = "<orders-api-name>"
$ORDERS_API_SERVICE_ID = "<orders-api-service-id>"
# Create a Log Analytics workspace
az monitor log-analytics workspace create `
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
$LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_CLIENT_ID=(az monitor log-analytics workspace show --query customerId -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE --out tsv)
$LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_CLIENT_SECRET=(az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys --query primarySharedKey -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE --out tsv)
# Create Azure Container Apps environment
az containerapp env create `
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
--location "$LOCATION"
# Create Storage Account
az storage account create `
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
--location "$LOCATION" `
--sku Standard_RAGRS `
--kind StorageV2
$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY=(az storage account keys list --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT --query '[0].value' --out tsv)
# Create Container App for Web App
az containerapp create `
--name $WEB_APP_NAME `
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
--image `
--target-port 80 `
--ingress 'external' `
--min-replicas 1 `
--max-replicas 1 `
--enable-dapr `
--dapr-app-port 80 `
--dapr-app-id $WEB_APP_SERVICE_ID `
--dapr-components ./dapr/components.yaml `
--secrets storage-account-key=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY
# Create Container App for Customers API
az containerapp create `
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
--image `
--target-port 80 `
--ingress 'internal' `
--min-replicas 1 `
--max-replicas 1 `
--enable-dapr `
--dapr-app-port 80 `
--dapr-components ./dapr/components.yaml `
--secrets storage-account-key=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY
# Create Container App for Orders API
az containerapp create `
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
--image `
--target-port 80 `
--ingress 'internal' `
--min-replicas 1 `
--max-replicas 1 `
--enable-dapr `
--dapr-app-port 80 `
--dapr-app-id $ORDERS_API_SERVICE_ID `
--dapr-components ./dapr/components.yaml `
--secrets storage-account-key=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY