This is a sample project showcasing main features of Instancio. The samples are organised by feature across the following files:
- basic API usage on how to create and customise objectsInstancio2GenericsTest
- creating generic objects usingTypeToken
- overview of different types of selectorsInstancio4CollectionsTest
- APIs for generating collections and streamsInstancio5ModelsTest
- creating object templates usingModel
- example of a custom generatorInstancio7JUnitExtensionTest
- example ofInstancioExtension
for JUnit 5Instancio8BeanValidationTest
- generating objects based on Jakarta/Hibernate validation annotationsInstancio9MethodAssignmentTest
- populating object via settersInstancio10DataFeedsTest
- data feeds for using test data defined in external resources (e.g. CSV, JSON)