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O'Sullivan: A Ruby API for working with IIIF Presentation manifests

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From the source code do rake install, or get the latest release from RubyGems.

Building New Objects

There is (or will be) a class for all types in IIIF Presentation API Spec.

require 'iiif/presentation'

seed = {
    '@id' => '',
    'label' => 'My Manifest'
# Any options you add are added to the object
manifest =

# sequences array is generated for you, but let's add a sequence object
sequence =
sequence['@id'] = ""
manifest.sequences << sequence

canvas =
# All classes act like `ActiveSupport::OrderedHash`es, for the most part.
# Use `[]=` to set JSON-LD properties...
canvas['@id'] = ''
# ...but there are also accessors and mutators for the properties mentioned in 
# the spec
canvas.width = 10
canvas.height = 20
canvas.label = 'My Canvas'

# Add images 
service ='@context' => '', 'profile' => '', '@id' => "")

image =
image['@id'] = "{canvas.width},#{canvas.height}/0/default.jpg"
image.format = "image/jpeg"
image.width = canvas.width
image.height = canvas.height
image.service = service

images ='@type' => 'oa:Annotation', 'motivation' => 'sc:painting', '@id' => "#{canvas['@id']}/images", 'resource' => image)

canvas.images << images

# Add other content resources
oc ='@id' => '')
canvas.other_content << oc

manifest.sequences.first.canvases << canvas

puts manifest.to_json(pretty: true)

Methods are generated dynamically, which means #methods is your friend:

manifest =
puts manifest.methods(false)
> label=
> label
> description=
> description
> thumbnail=
> thumbnail
> attribution=
> attribution
> viewing_hint=
> viewingHint=
> viewing_hint
> viewingHint

Note that multi-word properties are implemented as snake_case (because this is Ruby), but is serialized as camelCase. There are camelCase aliases for these.

manifest =
manifest.viewing_hint = 'paged'
puts manifest.to_json(pretty: true, force: true) # force: true skips validations

> {
>   "@context": "",
>   "@type": "sc:Manifest",
>   "viewingHint": "paged"
> }

Parsing Existing Objects

Use IIIF::Service#parse. It will figure out what the object should be, based on @type, and fall back to Hash when it can't e.g.:

seed = '{
  "@context": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "sc:Manifest",
  "label": "My Manifest",
  "service": {
    "@context": "",
  "seeAlso": {
    "@id": "",
    "format": "application/marc"
  "sequences": [
      "label":"Current Page Order",
      "startCanvas": "",
      "canvases": [
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "sc:Canvas",
          "width": 10,
          "height": 20,
          "label": "My Canvas",
          "otherContent": [
              "@id": "",
              "motivation": "sc:painting"

obj = IIIF::Service.parse(seed) # can also be a file path or a Hash
puts obj.class
puts obj.see_also.class

> IIIF::Presentation::Manifest
> Hash

Validation and Exceptions

This is work in progress. Right now exceptions are generally raised when you try to set something to a type it should never be:

manifest =
manifest.sequences = 'quux'

> [...] sequences must be an Array. (IIIF::Presentation::IllegalValueError)

and also if any required properties are missing when calling to_json

canvas ='@id' => '')
puts canvas.to_json(pretty: true)

> A(n) width is required for each IIIF::Presentation::Canvas (IIIF::Presentation::MissingRequiredKeyError)

but you can skip this validation by adding force: true:

canvas ='@id' => '')
puts canvas.to_json(pretty: true, force: true)

> {
>   "@context": "",
>   "@id": "",
>   "@type": "sc:Canvas"
> }

This all needs a bit of tidying up, finishing, and refactoring, so expect it to change.