Code Repo for LLM-stemming SIGIR-2024
- Use Conda enviroment with python=3.10
- Install all required package from pyserini
- Install all required package from requirements.txt by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Index the original dataset without stemming, this can be done in pyserini, example on Trec_covid
python3 -m pyserini.index.lucene \
--collection JsonCollection \
--input trec_covid/ \
--index indexes/trec_covid \
--generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \
--threads 20 \
--optimize \
-keepStopwords \
--stemmer none \
--storePositions --storeRaw
- Run the vocabulary stemming script (remember to set openai api key in the script)
python3 --dataset indexes/trec_covid \
--model openai
python3 --dataset indexes/trec_covid \
--model llama \
--model_path $LLAMA_MODEL_PATH
- Reindex by rebuilding the collection with the new stemmer (only use openai to show, you can check the script in trec_covid, robust04 to get all the commands related)
python3 --dataset trec_covid --model openai
python3 --dataset trec_covid --model openai --type vocab
python3 --dataset trec_covid --model openai --type vocab
python3 -m pyserini.index.lucene \
--collection JsonCollection \
--input processed_collections/trec_covid_vocab_stemmed_openai/ \
--index indexes/trec_covid_vocab_stemmed_openai/ \
--generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \
--threads 20 \
--optimize \
-keepStopwords \
--stemmer none \
--storePositions --storeRaw
- Search using the new index and evaluate
python3 -m \
--index indexes/trec_covid_vocab_stemmed_openai/ \
--topics topics/trec_covid/openai_vocab.tsv \
--output runs/trec_covid/openai_vocab_stemmed.tsv \
--output-format trec \
--hits 1000 \
--bm25 --k1 0.82 --b 0.68 \
--threads 30 --batch-size 128
trec_eval -m map -m ndcg_cut.10 -m recall.1000 topics/trec_covid/qrels.txt runs/trec_covid/openai_vocab_stemmed.tsv
- Run the context stemming script (no need to index the original dataset)
python3 --dataset indexes/trec_covid \
--model llama \
--model_path $LLAMA_MODEL_PATH \
--batch $batch_size
python3 --dataset indexes/trec_covid \
--model llama \
--model_path $LLAMA_MODEL_PATH \
--batch $batch_size
- Rebuild collection and queires, index and search (Below code can be found in trec_covid)
python3 --dataset trec_covid --model llama --type context
python3 --dataset trec_covid --model llama --type context
python3 -m pyserini.index.lucene \
--collection JsonCollection \
--input trec_covid_context_stemmed_llama/ \
--index indexes/trec_covid_context_stemmed_llama/ \
--generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \
--threads 20 \
--optimize \
-keepStopwords \
--stemmer none \
--storePositions --storeRaw
python3 -m \
--index indexes/trec_covid_context_stemmed_llama/ \
--topics topics/trec_covid/llama_context.tsv \
--output runs/trec_covid/llama_context.tsv \
--output-format trec \
--hits 1000 \
--bm25 --k1 0.82 --b 0.68 \
--threads 30 --batch-size 128
trec_eval -m map -m ndcg_cut.10 -m recall.1000 topics/trec_covid/qrels.txt runs/trec_covid/llama_context.tsv
- Run the context stemming script (no need to index the original dataset)
python3 --dataset indexes/trec_covid \
--model llama \
--model_path $LLAMA_MODEL_PATH \
--batch $batch_size
python3 --dataset indexes/trec_covid \
--model llama \
--model_path $LLAMA_MODEL_PATH \
--batch $batch_size
- Rebuild collection and queires, index and search (Below code can be found in trec_covid.)
Note: For type_2: replace is ECS.1, append is ECS.2
python3 --dataset trec_covid --model llama --type entities --type_2 replace
python3 --dataset trec_covid --model llama --type entities --type_2 replace
python3 -m pyserini.index.lucene \
--collection JsonCollection \
--input processed_collections/trec_covid_entities_stemmed_llama_porter_replace/ \
--index indexes/trec_covid_entities_stemmed_llama_porter_replace/ \
--generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \
--threads 20 \
--optimize \
-keepStopwords \
--stemmer none \
--storePositions --storeRaw
python3 -m \
--index indexes/trec_covid_entities_stemmed_llama_porter_replace/ \
--topics topics/trec_covid/llama_porter_replace_entities.tsv \
--output runs/trec_covid/llama_entities_porter_replace.tsv \
--output-format trec \
--hits 1000 \
--bm25 --k1 0.82 --b 0.68 \
--threads 30 --batch-size 128
trec_eval -m map -m ndcg_cut.10 -m recall.1000 topics/trec_covid/qrels.txt runs/trec_covid/llama_entities_porter_replace.tsv
- VS:
terms_sample = "programming\nprogrammer\nprograms”\nprograms.a\nPrograms PTY. LTD."
stemmed_sample = "programming: program\nprogrammer: program\nprograms: program\nprograms.a: program a\nPrograms PTY. LTD.: Programs PTY. LTD."
- CS:
paragraph_sample = "Juliette lives in New York and represents the 'Stylish Trends' brand. She visits cafes and chats with locals, gaining inspiration for designs.\n"
stemmed_sample = "Juliette live in New York and represent the 'Stylish Trends' brand. She visit cafe and chat with local, gain inspir for design.\n"
- ECS:
paragraph_sample = "Concurrent chilblains and retinal vasculitis in a child with COVID-19 Reports on COVID-19 in children are limited. Despite new data emerging, and understanding of the disease improves rapidly, there are as yet several features and complications related to the disease that remain unknown. Herein, we report the first case of a child with chilblains and retinal vasculitis related to COVID-19.\n"
sample_entities = "chilblains\nretinal vasculitis\nCOVID-19\n"