Repo for Generative Latent Replay (GLR) - a continual learning method which aleviates catastophic forgetting through strict regularisation of low level data representation and synthetic latent replay. Explicitly GLR:
- Freezes the backbone of a network after initial training
- Builds generative models of the backbone-output latent representations of each dataset encountered by the model
- Samples latent pseudo-examples from these generators for replay during subsequent training (to mitigate catastrophic forgetting)
Generative latent replay overcomes two issues encountered in traditional replay strategies:
- High memory footprint:
- replays can be sampled ad hoc
- caches [compressed] latent representations
- Privacy concerns
- data is synthetic
Continual Learning Method | Replay based | Low memory | Privacy |
Naive | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Replay | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Latent Replay | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Generative Latent Replay | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
We compare generative latent replay against the above methods on the following datasets:
- Permuted MNIST
- Rotated MNIST
- CoRE50
We also explore the effect of different:
- generative models (GMM, etc)
- network freeze depths
- replay buffer sizes
- replay sampling strategies
To run experiments, first create and activate a virtual environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate env-glr
Then run the appropriate notebooks detailing the experiments.
Alternatively you can run the notebook directly in Google Colab:
Our implementation is fully compatible with the Avalanche continual learning library, and can be imported as a plugin in the same way as other Avalanche strategies:
from import StrategyPlugin
from glr.strategies import GenerativeLatentReplay