aws-cdk-utul(unit test utility library) makes it faster, more efficient with less mistakes for you to code AWS CDK unit tests.
class provides you proper type definitions for (almost) all AWS CloudFormation resource types. So you can easily and quickly code AWS CDK unit tests without trivial mistakes and googling.
- You can use all methods implemented by AWS CDK's
class with proper type definitions. - Return values of some methods - e.g.
- are changed from original ones, so that succeeding processes can handle and access them more easily. - You can still use AWS CDK's
class and other arbitrary objects too.
import { Stack } from "aws-cdk-lib";
import { TypedTemplate } from "@horietakehiro/aws-cdk-utul/lib/assertions";
import { AWS_EC2_SUBNET, AWS_EC2_VPC } from "@horietakehiro/aws-cdk-utul/lib/types/cfn-resource-types";
const stack = new Stack()
const template = TypedTemplate.fromStack(stack)
// you can execute all method implemented in original `Template` instance
template.hasResource(AWS_EC2_VPC({Properties: {
CidrBlock: ""
// you can still use original `Matcher` class too.
const subnets = template.findResources(AWS_EC2_SUBNET({Properties: {
Tags: Match.arrayWith([
{Key: "Name", Value: Match.stringLikeRegexp("Public")}
// you can access resources with more efficient way
subnets.forEach((sn) => {
class provides you some kind of a syntax sugar for AWS CDK's Match
import { ExtraMatch } from "@horietakehiro/aws-cdk-utul/lib/assertions"
// get just vpc's logical id
const [{id}] = template.findResources(AWS_EC2_VPC({}))
// Equals to {VpcId: {Ref: id}}
Properties: {VpcId: ExtraMatch.ref(id)}
template.hasOutput("VPCARN", {
// Equals to {Value: {"Fn::GetAtt": [id, "Arn"]}}
Value: ExtraMatch.getAttArn(id)
npm install @horietakehiro/aws-cdk-utul
- Schemas of AWS CloudFormation resource types used in this library are based on those at
- Compatible with AWS CDK v2.0.0 or greater.