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Hobson Lane edited this page Feb 2, 2015 · 5 revisions


PUG is a pretty disorganized, disconnected glob of apps and utilities. Unfortunately the graph of dependencies within PUG doesn't have "Cliques" that can be easily pulled out, but here are some possabilities.

  1. NLP -- Natural Language Processing
  2. bin -- command line scripts
  3. miner -- Django webapp for data mining dashboards
  4. crawler -- Scrapy scraper and Django webapp
  5. setup -- The files and directory structure required for pip install pug
  6. ann -- Artificial neural net utilities (pybrains)


When trying to decide between batch and "online" learning, you should know that online learning is now considered to be superior in most cases.[^NeuralNetworkLab14][^WilsonDR03] It will converge more quickly to set of weights that performs better.

[WilsonDR03]: "The general inefficiency of batch training for gradient descent learning" [NeuralNetworkLab14]: "Understanding Neural Network Batch Training: A Tutorial"

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