This is a simple linux shell script for sending SMS texts at regular intervals. To use it, you'll need the sendmail command:
sudo apt-get install sendmail
Script is below. The providers listed are for the US. (The script tries every provider.)
for provider in $providers
sendmail "$1$provider" < message.txt
Make sure to set permissions for executing the script:
chmod u+x
And use it like this:
./ 5555555555 < message.txt
where 5555555555 is the phone number of the person to whom you're sending the text. message.txt contains your message. Format message.txt without a subject:
from: [email protected]
Hi, this is a text message, just for you :-).
For scheduling, do:
crontab -e
And add:
55 20 * * 2,4 /path/to/script/ 5555555555 < /path/to/message/message.txt >> /dev/null 2>&1
This will send the message every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:55 p.m. See the comments in your crontab file for scheduling syntax.
The /dev/null 2>&1
prevents cron from sending an email if the text bounces.