An open source, distributed, and web / HTTP oriented taskqueue & scheduler service inspired by Google App Engine
Asynxd is a RESTful server to the asynx-core. With the HTTP API asynxd provided, applications can create, retrieve, list, even delete their asynchronous tasks in one or more taskqueues.
depends on Celery
, and specifically use Redis
(>=2.2) as the message broker. We recommend you to install redis>=2.6
In a Debian/Ubuntu server, use apt-get
to install build-essential
, python.h
and Redis server:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python2.7-dev redis-server
# To see the version of redis
$ redis-server -v
You are recommended to install gevent>=1.0
to increase Celery's performance, simplejson>=3.5
to solve issue 11489.
# in your python environment (for example: virtualenv)
$ pip install gevent simplejson
You can install asynxd
from PyPI repository with PIP:
$ pip install asynxd
Or with Setuptools:
$ easy_install asynxd
Else, you can just clone this repository to install the development version:
$ git clone
$ cd asynx/asynxd
$ python install
To start the RESTful server:
$ asynxd start
To start Celery workers:
$ asynxd celery start
Full list of commands see asynxd --help
and asynxd celery --help
Use these environment variables to custom your application:
# redis settings
$ export ASYNX_REDIS_HOST=localhost
$ export ASYNX_REDIS_PORT=6379
$ export ASYNX_REDIS_DB=0
# gunicorn settings
$ export ASNYX_BIND=""
$ export ASYNX_WORKERS=4
$ export ASYNX_LOGDIR=/tmp/asynx-log
# celery settings
$ export ASYNX_CELERY_BROKER_URL="redis://localhost:6379/0"
$ export ASYNX_CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND="redis://localhost:6379/0"
$ export ASYNX_CELERY_LOGDIR=/tmp/asynx-log/celery
Asynx (Client) is a Python SDK for the RESTful server asynxd.
In a Debian/Ubuntu server, use apt-get
to install build-essential
, python.h
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python2.7-dev
You are recommended to install simplejson>=3.5
to solve issue 11489.
# in your python environment (for example: virtualenv)
$ pip install simplejson
You can install asynxd
from PyPI repository with PIP:
$ pip install asynx
Or with Setuptools:
$ easy_install asynx
Else, you can just clone this repository to install the development version:
$ git clone
$ cd asynx/asynx
$ python install
To create a simple task with success callback:
from asynx import TaskQueueClient
tqc = TaskQueueClient('http://localhost:17969', appname='test')
task = tqc.add_task(url='',
To create a scheduled task:
task = tqc.add_task(method='DELETE',
cname='scheduled task 1', # scheduled task must have cname
schedule='every 30 seconds')
# or create a crontab-style scheduled task
task = tqc.add_task(method='POST',
data={'asynx': 'awesome!'},
cname='scheduled task 2',
schedule='*/10 1-5,8 * * *') # m h dom mon dow
borrowed python-requests's Request model. You can upload file-like objects as well as requests
fp = open('/tmp/example1.txt', 'rb')
task = tqc.add_task(method='POST',
files={'file': fp})
To retreive a task by task id, uuid or cname:
task = tqc.add_task(url='', cname='example')
task_by_id = tqc.get_task(task['id'])
task_by_uuid = tqc.get_task(uuid=task['uuid']) # celery uuid
task_by_cname = tqc.get_task(cname='example')
assert task == task_by_id == task_by_uuid == task_by_cname
To delete task:
task = tqc.add_task(url='')
task_by_id = tqc.delete_task(task['id'])
# raises TaskQueueResponseError
To list tasks in a taskqueue:
tasks = tqc.list_task(offset=100, limit=50)