A test service using hello: You can use it to mock a server which normally use hello for testing and benchmarking your client application.
There are 3 answers type:
- "pong" on a "ping".
- Replies json from
/METHOD/* (round-robin) For examplePATH/foo.bar/reply1.json
- You can write you own method handler. For method
it will bePATH/foo.bar.ex
and look like:
case params do
%{"key" => 1} -> "response"
%{"key" => 2} -> "response2"
_ -> %{"error": "unknown"}
There are two ways of running the HelloTestServer. At first you are able to run it as a mix task, which works really well for prototyping. After building the test-server (see below) just run
$> mix hellotest --listen zmq-tcp:// --path PATH
The parameters for the URL can be shown by
$> mix hellotest -h
The second way is to use exrm releases by typing
$> mix release
For more information, please look on the page of the exrm project.
HelloTestServer expects you to run an instance of Graphite Carbon on port 2003.
You can either use it for analysing the logs, for example with the following vagrant image,
ignore the connection error when starting the application or following the output in another window running nc -l 2003
Minimal requirements are:
- erlang >= 17 (better 17.5)
- elixir >= 1.0 (1.1.0-dev)
- Apple Bonjour or a compatible API such as Avahi with it's compatibility layer along with the appropriate development files:
- OS X - bundled
- Windows - Bonjour SDK
- BSD/Linux - search for Avahi in your operating systems software manager
If you install erlang on Ubuntu, install aditionally:
- erlang-parsetools
- erlang-eunit
And then:
$> mix do deps.get, compile
There are a little bit tests:
$> mix test