Card Game with backend code written entirely in a blockchain using solidity.
Our frontend is built on Nextjs, a React Framework. It utilizes state management using Redux-Thunk, and uses a solid Provider pattern to utilize Web3 in the entire app. We use Material UI for good design.
Ensure you have the following downloaded
- Yarn
- Next
- react
npm install next react react-dom
- First install dependencies. Run the following in the frontend folder
npm install
- (optional) Copy the latest Contract JSON files from truffle/build into frontend/contracts
- (optional) Run yarn compile-contract-types in the frontend folder
- Change the contract address in frontend/hooks/useProjectGameContract.ts to the contract address of Project Game (which you might have deployed with truffle migrate in the truffle folder)
- Run the server. Run the following in the frontend folder
npx next dev
After the contract has been deployed to Ganache, any user can open the app and “Connect their Metamask account”.
A player can Generate a New Card to advance the turn. This will be added to their cards - but it costs them tokens.
You can select a random card upon selecting the buy option using the interface below.