This device can show the state of builds or any other thing stored in the firebase database. It can be configured, which part indicates what and lets the oportunity to meld fields together.
The actual status of the software is still buggy. It resets if the streaming from the firebase is activated.
- Arduino IDE
- ESP8266 board support:
- FirebaseArduino library
- ArduinoJson library Version 5.13.1 (higher versions result in problems with the active FirebaseArduino library)
- Adafruit_NeoPixel library
- Adafruit_GFX library
- Adafruit_SSD1306 library
- WiFiManager library
- Visual Studio to have a comfortable IDE
- Visual Micro to integrate Arduino IDE in Visual Studio
The hardware consists of:
- NodeMCU board (any ESP8266 board would do)
- WS2812b programmable RGB-LED stripes 2x8 in series
- SSD1306 OLED display (128x64 pixel)
The housing is printed using a 3D-Printer. There is a slit to slide in a transparent foil to write the lamp configurations on. As background a transparent material can be used for the 3D-printer or a thin paper which can be laminated for durability.