by Phil Toland
fixes and improvements by Michael Dominic K.
QLMarkdown is a simple QuickLook generator for Markdown files. It renders a preview of the selected Markdown file using Discount -- a C implementation of John Gruber's script.
To update to the latest version of discount run ./discount-config/
For more information on Markdown see
Simply copy QLMarkdown.qlgenerator to ~/Library/QuickLook
or /Library/QuickLook
If the newly installed plugin is not picked up instantly, you run qlmanage -r
in a terminal to refresh.
To uninstall, drag QLMarkdown into the trash.
Another method, if you have Homebrew Cask installed:
$ brew update
$ brew cask install qlmarkdown
To uninstall
$ brew cask uninstall qlmarkdown
Note: Quick Look doesn't allow selecting text. If you want to select the text in the markdown preview, you will need to enable text selection in Quick Look by running the following in Terminal:
defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool TRUE; killall Finder
Source code is available at
You can download the latest release from
The QLMarkdown code is distributed under the same terms as Discount. See
the file discount/COPYRIGHT
for more information.
Version 1.3 - Jan 26, 2012
- Major update of discount markdown engine
Version 1.2 - Oct 4, 2009
- Work around a conflict with MacVim (thanks to godDLL)
- Support for .mdml extension (alanhogan)
- CSS that mimics Apple's ADC styling (jiho)
Version 1.1 - Feb 11, 2009
- Adding a little bit of CSS styling. (mdk)
- Replace the Perl markdown renderer with a native C one (discount). (mdk)
- Conform to public plain-text. Will make spotlight index the file contents. (mdk)
- Added support for .md file extension (sant0sk1)
Version 1.0 - July 15, 2008
- Initial release.