This is a data file converter that supports following files:
brew install ghokun/tap/convert
# or
brew tap ghokun/tap
brew install convert
# Simple conversions
convert --input abc.csv --output abc.json
convert --input abc.yaml --output
convert --input abc.toml --output abc.csv
# Prettify json
convert --input abc.json --output pretty-abc.json --pretty
# Minify json
convert --input pretty-abc.json --output abc.json
# Indent yaml
# abc: abc:
# - item1 -> - item1
# - item2 - item2
convert --input abc.yaml --output indented-abc.yaml --indent-yaml
# Minimize yaml quotes
# abc: "Hello world!" -> abc: Hello world!
convert --input abc.yaml --output abc-without-quotes.yaml --minimize-yaml-quotes
# Deduplicate keys
# This:
# [
# {
# "key1": "value1",
# "key2": "value2"
# },
# {
# "key1": "value3",
# "key2": "value4"
# }
# ]
# Becomes this:
# {
# "keys" : [ "key1", "key2" ],
# "values" : [ [ "value1", "value2" ], [ "value3", "value4" ] ]
# }
convert --input abc.json --output dedup-abc.json --deduplicate-keys
I am aware that there are many file converters, even online ones, available for free. Consider this as a playground since I wanted to practice/learn the following technologies:
- Gradle
- Native compilation with GraalVM
- JReleaser
- Releasing a homebrew formula
- Visualizing native image size with GraalVM Dashboard
- Even smaller binaries with UPX
# Switch java version (If you are using SDKMAN!)
sdk env
# Format code
./gradlew spotlessApply
# Do static analysis, compile and test
./gradlew check
# Compile the project and build a native executable
./gradlew nativeRun
# Run the native executable
# Run the application with the agent on JVM
./gradlew -Pagent run
# Copy metadata into /META-INF/native-image directory
./gradlew metadataCopy --task run --dir src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image
# Build a native executable using metadata
./gradlew nativeCompile
# Run the native executable
# Run JUnit tests
./gradlew nativeTest
# Run tests on JVM with the agent
./gradlew -Pagent test
# Test building a native executable using metadata
./gradlew -Pagent nativeTest
# Generate a distributable package with VERSION
./gradlew -Pversion=${VERSION} nativeCompile generatePackage
# End to end test
./gradlew e2e
- Basic setup (project structure, formatting, static analysis, testing)
- Implement all possible file conversions
- CSV needs special implementation, others are trivial
- GraalVM setup
- Native compilation
- Generate/Analyze/Validate reflection configs
- Visualize image size with GraalVM Dashboard
- Set up JReleaser to release on:
- GitHub
- Homebrew
- Build for OS / Arch combinations:
- Darwin - x86_64
- Darwin - aarch64 (self hosted runner)
- Linux - x86_64
- Linux - aarch64 (self hosted docker runner)
- Streaming support
- Read data from
- Handle huge files
- Handle partial inputs (streaming json logs ?)
- Read data from
- Minify binary with UPX on supported platforms
- Have fun