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Contracts of crowdfunding system based on Ethereum (blockchain)
- web client base on vue/web3.js: https://github.com/dengjiawen8955/cf_web
// Interface
interface ICrowdfunding3 {
function createActivity(uint targetMoney, uint dayNum, string memory data) external;
function getActivity(uint id) external view returns (Activity memory);
function getActivities(uint[] memory ids) external view returns (Activity[] memory);
function readerJoin(uint id, string memory comment) external payable;
function authorWithdraw(uint id) external;
function readerWithdraw(uint aid, uint recordID) external;
function myRecords() external view returns (JoinRecord[] memory, uint[] memory);
I suggest you to Remix to compile, deploy and test contracts.
Use Remix VM to deploy contracts you don't need to pay gas fee.
Deploy to other network you need choose other options
After deploy, you can test your contract.
Copy ABI (Json) for client call.
install development tools