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ROS2 Humble wrapper for Edge Impulse on Linux.


1. Topics

  • /detection/input/image, image topic to analyze
  • /detection/output/image, image with bounding boxes
  • /detection/output/info, VisionInfo message
  • /detection/output/results, results as text

2. Parameters

  • frame_id (string), "base_link", frame id of output topics
  • model.filepath (string), "", absolute filepath to .eim file
  • show.overlay (bool), true, show bounding boxes on output image
  • (bool), false, show centroids on output image
  • show.labels (bool), true, show labels on bounding boxes,
  • show.classification_info (bool), true, show the attendibility (0-1) of the prediction

3. How to install

  1. install edge_impulse_linux:
    pip3 install edge_impulse_linux

  2. on some boards and aarch64 these are required (e.g. vm on mac m1):
    sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 portaudio19-dev
    pip3 install pyaudio

  3. download your .eim file as "linux board" and choose your architecture

  4. make your eim file as executable:
    cd /path/to/your/eim/file
    chmod +x <file>.eim

  5. clone this repo in your workspace:
    cd ~/dev_ws/src git clone

  6. check dependencies:
    cd ~/dev_ws
    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

  7. build:
    colcon build --symlink-install
    source install/setup.bash

4. How to run

Launch the node:
ros2 run edgeimpulse_ros image_classification --ros-args -p model.filepath:="</absolute/path/to/your/eim/file.eim>" -r /detection/input/image:="/your_image_topic" `

5. Models

Here you find some prebuilt models:

6. Known issues

  • if you use a classification model, topic results is empty
  • you cannot change color of bounding boxes (coming soon)
  • other types (imu and sound based ml) are unavailable

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