Commands get dispatched when Pipeline is executed. It's required to define a name for the command. It can also hold some dependencies used by strategies upon execution. These dependencies should be defined overriding method configure, that is executed before dispatching the command.
import logging
from pype import Command
class Echo(Command):
logger: logging.Logger | None = None
def __init__(self, log_level: str = "ERROR"):
super().__init__("echo") # echo is the name of the command
self.log_level = log_level
def configure(self, **kwargs: str):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(
Strategy holds command handlers. A command handler is a class method with the same name as the command.
In addition, a strategy can configure commands or their dependencies. In that case you need to define a method with prefix configure_.
from pype import Strategy, Command
class LoggerStrategy(Strategy):
def configure_echo(self, cmd: Echo, **kwargs: dict[str, str]):
cmd.log_level = "INFO"
def echo(self, cmd: Echo, params: dict[str, str]):
Strategy configure_ methods are executed before commands configure. Usually they are used to define some prerequisites of the command's dependencies.
A Pipeline can be configured using a YAML file. It can be a local file or a file stored somewhere, e.g. git repository.
_target_: pype.Pipeline
- _target_: pype.Stage
name: "examples:logger"
_target_: examples.logger.LoggerStrategy
- _target_: examples.logger.Echo
log_level: DEBUG
If the pipeline configuration is stored locally, run:
pype --local config.yml
If it is stored in a repository, run:
pype --source github --repository gaarutyunov/pype --file examples/config.yml --ref main