This spring boot application uses several NLP services for Named Entity Recognition tasks with two micro services.
The first micro service provides three GATE pipelines:
As a second microservice, a Python based application offers access to language models:
- Huggingface Bert-base-NER extracting people, locations and organizations
- SciSpacy with the en_core_sci_sm model recognizing biomedical data.
A demonstration is available:
Install Adopt Open JDK 11 (
Install Maven from Maven
Python version 3.9
Please download the BiodivTagger and the OrganismTagger from Zenodo: .
The GATE ANNIE pipeline is default pipeline available in the GATE framework.
run below commands in order:
cd SA2.0/nlp
mvn spring-boot:run
It takes a little time until the application starts.
This project contains a Swagger API platform.
go to the:
set the Annie, BioTagger and OrganismTagger location on your system
For using the Huggingface service, you need to run this app.
Install Anaconda from Anaconda
run blow commands in order:
cd SA2.0/pythonAPI
python -m venv myenv
Linux: source myenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Further information on the first version of the Semantic Assistants framwork can be obtained from the website of the Semantic Software Lab:
03.12.2022 initial release 0.1
Semantic Assistants 2.0 is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL v3.0. (