The backend API (Fulcrum) and frontend UI (Gateway) for FieFoe.
Table of Contents
This project is written in JavaScript/TypeScript. Here's a rough table of the frameworks used in this project roughly in order of highest to lowest level, along with some resources I followed (thank you to the creators of said resources!).
Framework | Description | Resources |
React Native | Foundation for the frontend stack. We use only functional components and hooks. | |
NativeBase | UI and component library built on React Native. | |
React Native for Web | Supported by all frontend frameworks we're using for optimizing mobile web view. | |
React Navigation | The frontend routing and navigation framework (basically React Router for mobile). | |
i18next | Used for multi-language support. Translations are hand written and stored in JSONs that are configured inside i18n.ts | |
Expo | Used for easier cross-platform development. Third party libraries used include bar code scanner, icons, fonts, linking, async storage, and bottom tabs. | |
ExpressJS | Used to write our backend API. | |
NodeJS | To support Express for our backend. | |
GraphQL | Used with express JS for cleaner access to API | |
Redis | Via the ioredis package, used in conjunction with express sessions to create and distribute cookies for the differen user types. | N/A |
Prisma | Our choice of ORM and database connector working in conjunction with GraphQL | N/A |
Postgres | As a persistent database that will communicate primarily through Prisma. | N/A |
Jest | Our choice of testing framework for both frontend and backend | N/A |
Winston | Our choice of logging framework | N/A |
The frontend structure is designed to mimic Kahoot, and the directory structure follows atomic design principles. The backend design is built with the simple hierarchy; all queuers belong to a queue, and all queues belong to an organizer.
Once you've git cloned the repo:
git clone repo-name
you can navigate to the root directory (either gateway or fulcrum depending on whether you want to run the frontend or the backend):
cd root-dir-name
and run npm install:
npm install
Once dependencies are installed, you can install then run with either expo:
npm install --global expo-cli
expo start
or with react native:
npx react-native start
npx react-native run-android
or run-ios
To run on a device that is connect via USB, follow this guide:
Be sure to run:
adb devices
to get the devices, and
adb -s <device name> reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
to open a connection to it.
Then scan the QR code in the expo terminal and voila!
To start the backend, navigate to the backend directory "fulcrum":
cd fulcrum
Install ts-node:
npm install ts-node -g
Next set up a .env file in directory "fulcrum" with the following variables:
FRONTEND_PROD_URL="production url of the frontend app"
FRONTEND_LOCAL_URL="development url of the frontend app"
DATABASE_URL="postgresql database url"
SESSION_SECRET="express session secret"
NODE_ENV="development or production"
SMTP_USERNAME="username for smtp service you're using"
SMTP_PASSWORD="password for smtp service you're using"
SMTP_SERVER="smtp server host"
SENDER_EMAIL="the sender email, which must be authorized by the SMTP service (ex: [email protected])"
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID="twilio account sid"
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN="twilio auth token"
TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER="phone number used to send out SMS"
REDIS_URL="the redis connection url used in ioredis (locally is: redis://:@"
and run node (Before you actually run through you'll want to set up the database in the following section):
ts-node index.ts
or if you want to use nodemon:
nodemon index.ts
To run Jest tests:
npm test
You can install postgres any way you want. Using brew or their GUI interface will work. But you can also use Docker:
After you've installed Docker, run:
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=some_password --name some_container_name postgres
This will also forward/expose the port from the Docker VM to your host machine.
Accessing the docker VM can be done through Docker Desktop and clicking the container's CLI icon or running:
docker exec -it some_container_name
Inside the container's command line run:
su postgres
to switch to the postgres user. Then you can run:
or alternatively you can combine the above two commands by just running:
psql -U postgres
if you want to directly go into psql mode.
You'll have to go into the VM and create a new database with either:
createdb -U username postgres
if you're working in bash
CREATE DATABASE some_db_name TEMPLATE template0
if you're inside psql
You'll need a .env file in the root dir of your project with the following inside:
The ip and port should just be localhost:5432 and the db username by default should be "postgres".
We also use Redis as our caching and authentication solution:
brew install [email protected]
Then you can start Redis
Finally, run:
npx prisma db push
and Prisma should push the prisma schemas to the PostgreSQL database and create
the necessary tables.
To populate the database with initial test data:
npx prisma db seed
which will run fulcrum_gateway/prisma/seed.ts
To simply re-generate the prisma client and typegraphql integration run:
npx prisma generate
This is useful if you want to re-generate the client during development but don't want to push
changes to the PostgreSQL database structure yet (which will be done with prisma db push).
I use 4 branches to work:
0. production
is the almighty deployment branch. Changes can only come directly from main.
is a working version of the project ready for demos.feature
is the frontend development branch.backend
is the backend development branch.hotfix
is for urgent bug fixes and other immediate issues.intl
is for internationalization/localization of the project.
All source code lives in this directory
All code associated with the API.
All source code lives in this directory
All asset files not provided by CDNs lives here.
All code associated with components lives here. A component is defined as something that should not be used independently (i.e it must be combined with other components) Components are categorized roughly, with atomic design principles in mind.
Atoms are small components (not necessarily singular) that should not be used individually, rather as building blocks further up the hierarchy.
Molecules are groups of atoms that form components with more complex behaviours.
Organisms are groups of molecules and atoms. They may be used individually in pages or containers.
All screen-based AND page-based items can be placed inside containers, which act as wrappers that provide additional functionality. Screen overlays, headers, modals, menus, alerts, pop-ups, etc. are also stored here.
Pages are combinations of components that hold state. Pages use polling or make frequent fetches to the API
Screens are standalone static sites that may also use components, but hold no state, or only render once (no polling)
These are just written documents for now. Neither of these plans have approximate or strict timelines for now.