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Networked engines supply statistics in education.


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Picture of Loch Ness, Scotland

Networked engines supply statistics in education.


  • Install Python 3.8
  • Create your virtual environment (venv)
  • Install dependencies
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip3 install -r requirements.txt [--upgrade]

Tip: pyenv is a good tool for managing Python versions locally.

Front-end dependencies

Vue CLI 3 was used to provision the front-end.

nvm use
npm install

Postgres user and databases

createuser nessie --no-createdb --no-superuser --no-createrole --pwprompt
createdb nessie --owner=nessie
createdb nessie_metadata_test --owner=nessie
createdb nessie_redshift_test --owner=nessie
createdb nessie_test --owner=nessie

Create local configurations

If you plan to use any resources outside localhost, put your configurations in a separately encrypted area:

mkdir /Volumes/XYZ/nessie_config
export NESSIE_LOCAL_CONFIGS=/Volumes/XYZ/nessie_config

Fire it up!

  1. Open up a terminal and start the Python app:
  1. Nessie back-end APIs now available at http://localhost:5001
  2. If you are doing front-end development then open a second terminal and use the underlying vue-cli-service to start Vue.js app. Compile and hot-reloads for dev:
npm run serve-vue
  1. Finally, open Nessie in a browser.

Run tests, lint the code

We use Tox for continuous integration. Under the hood, you'll find PyTest and Flake8.

# Run all tests and linters

# Pytest
tox -e test

# Run specific test(s)
tox -e test -- tests/test_models/
tox -e test -- tests/test_externals/

# Lint
tox -e lint-py
tox -e lint-vue

# Lint specific file(s)
tox -e lint-py -- scripts/

# Run testext tests

Tests marked `@pytest.mark.testext` require actual connections to external services, and are not run as part of a normal tox execution. They can be run by directly invoking PyTest with the 'testext' environment specified.

NESSIE_ENV=testext pytest

Configuration for testext runs can be placed in a file under your NESSIE_LOCAL_CONFIGS directory. See config/ for a model.