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jordibc committed Sep 21, 2023
1 parent 8dac6c7 commit e7ed54f
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162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions doc/tutorial/tutorial_trees.rst
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Expand Up @@ -267,3 +267,165 @@ One of the most basic operations for tree analysis is *tree browsing*.
This is, essentially, visiting nodes within a tree. ETE provides a
number of methods to search for specific nodes or to navigate over the
hierarchical structure of a tree.

Getting leaves, descendants and node's relatives

Tree instances contain several functions to access their descendants.
Available methods are self explanatory:

.. autosummary::


Traversing (browsing) trees

Often, when processing trees, all nodes need to be visited. This is
called tree traversing. There are different ways to traverse a tree
structure depending on the order in which children nodes are visited.
ETE implements the three most common strategies: **preorder**,
**levelorder** and **postorder**. The following scheme shows the
differences in the strategy for visiting nodes (note that in all cases
the whole tree is browsed):

* preorder: 1) visit the root, 2) traverse the left subtree, 3)
traverse the right subtree.
* postorder: 1) traverse the left subtree, 2) traverse the right
subtree, 3) visit the root.
* levelorder (default): every node on a level is visited before going
to a lower level.

Every node in a tree includes a :func:`traverse` method, which can be
used to visit, one by one, every node node under the current
partition. In addition, the :func:`descendants` method can be set to
use either a post- or a preorder strategy. The only difference between
:func:`traverse` and :func:`descendants` is that the first will
include the root node in the iteration.

.. autosummary::


**strategy** can take one of the following values: ``"postorder"``,
``"preorder"`` or ``"levelorder"``::

# Make a tree.
from ete4 import Tree
t = Tree('((((H,K)D,(F,I)G)B,E)A,((L,(N,Q)O)J,(P,S)M)C);')

# Traverse the nodes in postorder.
for node in t.traverse("postorder"):
print( # or do some analysis with the node

# If we want to iterate over a tree excluding the root node, we can
# use the descendants method instead.
for node in t.descendants("postorder"):
print( # or do some analysis with the node

Additionally, you can implement your own traversing function using the
structural attributes of nodes. In the following example, only nodes
between a given leaf and the tree root are visited::

from ete4 import Tree
t = Tree('(A:1,(B:1,(C:1,D:1):0.5):0.5);')

# Browse the tree from a specific leaf to the root.
node = next(t.search_nodes(name='C')) # same as t['C']
while node:
print(node.dist) # or do some analysis with the node
node = node.up

Advanced traversing (stopping criteria)

.. _is_leaf_fn:

Collapsing nodes while traversing (custom is_leaf definition)

ETE supports the use of the :attr:`is_leaf_fn` argument in most of its
traversing functions. The value of :attr:`is_leaf_fn` is expected to
be a pointer to any python function that accepts a node instance as
its first argument and returns a boolean value (True if node should be
considered a leaf node).

By doing so, all traversing methods will use such a custom function to
decide if a node is a leaf. This becomes specially useful when dynamic
collapsing of nodes is needed, thus avoiding to prune the same tree in
many different ways.

For instance, given a large tree structure, the following code will
export the newick of the pruned version of the topology, where nodes
grouping the same tip labels are collapsed::

from ete4 import Tree

t = Tree('((((a,a,a)a,a)aa,(b,b)b)ab,(c,(d,d)d)cd);')

print(t.to_str(props=['name'], compact=True)) # show internal names too
# ╭╴a
# ╭╴a╶┼╴a
# ╭╴aa╶┤ ╰╴a
# ╭╴ab╶┤ ╰╴a
# ╴(empty)╶┤ ╰╴b╶┬╴b
# │ ╰╴b
# ╰╴cd╶┬╴c
# ╰╴d╶┬╴d
# ╰╴d

# Cache for every node (for each node, a set of all its leaves' names).
node2labels = t.get_cached_content('name')

def collapsed_leaf(node):
return len(node2labels[node]) == 1

# ((aa,b)ab,(c,d)cd);

# We can even load the collapsed version as a new tree.
t2 = Tree( t.write(is_leaf_fn=collapsed_leaf) )

print(t2.to_str(props=['name'], compact=True))
# ╭╴ab╶┬╴aa
# ╴(empty)╶┤ ╰╴b
# ╰╴cd╶┬╴c
# ╰╴d

Another interesting use of this approach is to find the first matching
nodes in a given tree that match a custom set of criteria, without
browsing the whole tree structure.

Let's say we want to get all deepest nodes in a tree whose branch
length is defined and larger than one::

from ete4 import Tree

t = Tree('(((a,b)ab:2,(c,d)cd:2)abcd:2,((e,f):2,g)efg:2);')

print(t.to_str(props=['name', 'dist'], compact=True)) # name and distance
# ╭╴ab,2.0╶┬╴a,(empty)
# ╭╴abcd,2.0╶┤ ╰╴b,(empty)
# │ ╰╴cd,2.0╶┬╴c,(empty)
# ╴(empty),(empty)╶┤ ╰╴d,(empty)
# │ ╭╴(empty),2.0╶┬╴e,(empty)
# ╰╴efg,2.0╶┤ ╰╴f,(empty)
# ╰╴g,(empty)

def processable_node(node):
return node.dist and node.dist > 1

for leaf in t.leaves(is_leaf_fn=processable_node):
# Will print just these two "leafs" (according to processable_node):
# abcd
# efg

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