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Action – EvaluateActivity

Eric Domke edited this page May 6, 2019 · 1 revision

Used to perform a workflow vote.

AML Query

<!-- SOAP_ACTION = EvaluateActivity, ApplyAML, or ApplyItem -->
  <Item type="Activity" action="EvaluateActivity">
    <Activity>{Activity ID}</Activity>
    <ActivityAssignment>{Assignment ID}</ActivityAssignment>
      <Path id="{ID of the chosen Path}">{Name of the chosen Path}</Path>
    <DelegateTo>{Either '0' or the ID of the user to delegate to.}</DelegateTo>
      <Task id="{ID of the task}" completed="{'0' or '1' indicating if the task was completed}"></Task>
      <Variable id="{ID of the variable}">{Value of the variable}</Variable>
    <Authentication mode="{Type of authentication (e.g. e-signature)}">{Password for the type of authentication}</Authentication>
    <Complete>{'0' or '1' indicating if the activity is complete}</Complete>


The pipeline as of 9.3 is:

Event Context Notes
<Item type="Activity">
  <!-- Activity properties -->
  <AssignmentId>{Assignment ID}</AssignmentId>
  <Path>{Path Name}</Path>
Activity promotion The new activity is promoted to the `Active` state
<Item type="Activity">
  <!-- Newly activated activity properties -->
<Item type="Activity">
  <!-- Newly activated activity properties -->

Refuse Vote

Event Context Notes
<Item type="Activity">
  <!-- Activity properties -->
  <AssignmentId>{Assignment ID}</AssignmentId>
<Item type="Activity">
  <!-- Activity properties -->
  <AssignmentId>{Old Assignment ID}</AssignmentId>
  <ToAssignmentId>{New Assignment ID}</ToAssignmentId>

Delegate Vote

Event Context Notes
<Item type="Activity">
  <!-- Activity properties -->
  <AssignmentId>{Assignment ID}</AssignmentId>
<Item type="Activity">
  <!-- Activity properties -->
  <AssignmentId>{Old Assignment ID}</AssignmentId>
  <ToAssignmentId>{New Assignment ID}</ToAssignmentId>
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