Android Permission Sharing Ontology (APSO)
* The files to inspect (protege) apso.owl (the full ontology) or apso-central.owl (the core and permission terms).
* The files to inspect (fuseki) apso.ttl (the ontology including the scenarios given in the master thesis).
* python_files/ (used to clean up the ontology when its inferred axioms is exported. Prefix declarations must be manually changed)
* json-files
+ Android 77 Dataset/pretty_andapps77.json (a JSON file listing the collected applications and their attributes. It is formated pretty)
+ Intermediate Files/dataset_andapps77.json (the file listing the collected applications and their attributes. It is not formated pretty)
+ Intermediate Files/from_android_emulator.json (the JSON file written by MainActivity.kt)
* AndroidStudioProjects/MyApplication2 is the Android studio project for collecting the 77 android applications on an Android 11 emulated device. The interesting files are:
+ /app/src/main/java/com/example/myapplication/MainActivity.kt (the code for writing a json with information about the emulated device's applications).
+ /app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml (include the android permissions needed to collect information on each application and store the information in a JSON file;
the file was written to the device's external storage. We manually copied the file from the emulated device's external storage.
* Jupyter
+ Application Dataset/CleaningDatasetFromAndroidEmulator.ipynb (create dataset_andapps77 from from_android_emulator)
+ Investigate dataset_andapps77.ipynb (look at the applications in the dataset)
+ ParseToCsv (create the csv files)
+ ParseToLatex (create the table in the master thesis showing permissions and their groups).
+ androidpermissiongroups.csv (a file listing Androids permission groups related to the permissions found when parsing AndroidManifest.xml)
+ androidpermissions.csv (a file listing android runtimes permissions; found when parsing AndroidManifest.xml)
+ collection of categories and authors.csv (a file listing the authors and play categories of the applications in the collected andapp77 dataset)