ML_toolbox: A Machine learning toolbox containing algorithms for dimensionality reduction, clustering, classification and regression along with examples and tutorials which accompany the Master level course Advanced Machine Learning and Machine Learning Programming taught at EPFL by Prof. Aude Billard.
Go to the ./examples
folder to run some simple demos and examples from each method. More in-depth tutorials are provided in tutorials-spring-2016
for testing, parameter optimization, evaluation of the following 4 specific topics.
For access to the tutorials-spring-2016
contact the current maintainer.
Topics covered: kernel Principal Component Analysis (kPCA), Laplacian Eigenmaps, Isomaps.
Topics covered: Support Vector Machine (C-SVM, nu-SVM), Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) and Adaboost
Topics covered: Support Vector Regression (eps-SVR, nu-SVR), Relevance Vector Regression (RVM), Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR) and Gaussian Process Regression (GPR)
Policy Iteration (PI) and Value Iteration (VI) in 2D grid world, Moutain car example with Temporal Difference (TD) Learning
This toolbox includes 3rd party software for the implementation of a couple of algorithms, namely:
You DO NOT need to install these, they are already pre-packaged in this toolbox.
The main authors of this toolbox and accompanying tutorials were the TA's from Spring 2016/2017 semesters:
Guillaume de Chambrier, Nadia Figueroa and Denys Lamotte
Current Maintainer: Nadia Figueroa (nadia.figueroafernandez AT epfl dot ch)