So this is my discord bot , the high amount of files are cause I used pycharm and it just loves to makes so many files (its quite handy tho try it)
Anyways about this bot,
Currently supports:
!ping -> Says pong
!cookie -> replies with cookie emoji
!rating [@user] -> Tells codechef rating of the mentioned user (fetches from the database aka user needs to be in the database)
!ccrating [user] -> Tells codechef rating of the mentioned user from the website
!verify [name] -> Will verify the if the given name is indeed of the user who said it and will add it to the sqlite database along with bunch of other stuff related to that user for future use
coming soon
!update db -> update rating in the database
!unverify -> removes the currently linked account (why tho)
Final goal?
lol will take ages tho