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keybuddy ⌨️

Define and dispatch shortcuts with easy using keybuddy.

keybuddy provides a simple and consistent toolset for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts in a browser


yarn add keybuddy
import key from 'keybuddy';

key('a', e => console.log('a pressed'))
key('shift+r', e => console.log('shift+r pressed'))
key('⌘+shift+r, ctrl+shit+r', e => console.log('ctrl+shit+r pressed'))

Based on keymaster


  1. Completely rewritten in modern js using TS
  2. Support multiple keystrokes
  3. Custom scope not conflicting with default one
  4. Unbind requires an action (unsafeUnbindKey for backward compatibility)
  5. Creator instance to replace document with any other DOM element
  6. More explicit API
  7. Provides new fixes and maintaining

Supported keys

Keybuddy understands the following modifiers:

,shift , ,alt ,option , ,ctrl ,control , ,command

The following special keys can be used for shortcuts:

backspace ,tab ,clear ,enter ,return ,esc ,escape ,space ,left ,up ,right ,down ,del ,delete ,home ,end ,pageup ,pagedown ,comma ,. ,/ ,``` ,- ,`=` ,`;` ,`'` ,`[` ,`]` ,``


bindKey(keysStr: string, scopeOrMethod: string | () => {}, actionOrNothing?, {skipOther: boolean}?)

import key, { DEFAULT_SCOPE } from 'keybuddy';
// import { bindKey } from 'keybuddy';

bindKey('option+e', action);
bindKey('option+e', 'myScope', action);
// use skipOther option to make primary action on same key bindings
bindKey('option+e', DEFAULT_SCOPE, action, { skipOther: true });
bindKey('option+e', 'myScope', action, { skipOther: true });

unbindKey(keysStr: string, scopeOrMethod: string | () => {}, actionOrNothing?)

Action is required for unbind

import { unbindKey } from 'keybuddy';

unbindKey('option+e', action)
bindKey('option+e', 'myScope', action)


Returns current scope


Change scope


Remove all scope actions


Remove all actions

unsafeUnbindKey(keysStr: string, scope?: string)

Remove all actions for a key

import { unsafeUnbindKey } from 'keybuddy';

unsafeUnbindKey('option+e', 'myScope')


Remove all actions and event listeners

creator(doc: HTMLDocument | HTMLElement, filterFn?)

Keybuddy creator can be used to replace key bindings on document

filterFn by default skip all editable areas - contenteditable, input, select, textarea

The reasons that events like onpaste, oncopy want fire keyup event for key bindings

import creator from 'keybuddy/creator';
const iframe = document.getElementById('#iframe').contentWindow;
* { bind, unbind, unsafeUnbind, unbindScope, setScope, unbindAll, getScope:}
const myKeybuddy = creator(iframe, filterFn?) 

myKeybuddy.bind('alt+b', action);