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A little library designed make it easier to work with the Erlang/OTP JInterface in Clojure.


A silly example

First, start the Erlang port mapper daemon, so the two nodes can find each other:

epmd -d

Then, in a REPL:

(require 'longship.server)
(use '[ :only [tuple]])

(longship.server/defhandler greet [name]
  (str "What ho, " name "!"))

(longship.server/defhandler add [& numbers]
  (tuple :ok (apply + numbers)))

(longship.server/start-server "horsesaredelicious@localhost" "messagebox" "cookie")

Then, start an Erlang node with the same cookie:

erl -boot start_sasl -s crypto -sname earl -setcookie cookie

Then, from the Erlang shell:

> Node = {messagebox, 'horsesaredelicious@localhost'}.
> Node ! {self(), greet, "Sir Moosemeat McStanley, Keeper of the Badger-Knights of Hamramnon"}.
{<0.49.0>,greet,"Sir Moosemeat McStanley, Keeper of the Badger-Knights of Hamramnon"}
> receive MyGreeting -> MyGreeting end.
"What ho, Sir Moosemeat McStanley, Keeper of the Badger-Knights of Hamramnon!"
> Node ! {self(), add, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
> receive MySum -> MySum end.


Copyright © 2014 Eleos Technologies, LLC

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


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