CSV file with the columns:
- date: date of data colection.
- money_size_users: total users on the money size of the platform (at the end of the day).
- subsidy_size_users: total users on the subsify size of the platform (at the end of the day).
- money_size_new_users_by_campaign: new users adquired on money size by performing comercial / marketing actions.
- money_size_new_users_by_network: new users adquired on money size by network behaviour.
- subsidy_size_new_users_by_campaign: new users adquired on sudsidy size by performing comercial / marketing actions.
- subsidy_size_new_users_by_network: new users adquired on sudsidy size by network behaviour.
- investement_in_money_size_campaigns: total money invested in the growth of money size.
- investement_in_sudsidy_size_campaigns: total money invested in the growth of sudsidy size.
A example CSV simulated data could be created with the ´simulate_base_data.py´ file.
- Create data file.
- Create a campaign_control object based on campaigns investement.
- Create a simulator object.
- Use the ´simulate´ method, which return two values
- The number of periods simulated.
- If the critical mass was reached in the simulated periods.
- Simulator.
- model_trainer.
- campaign_control.