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Bot polls Discourse's latest topics & tweets new topics matching your criteria.


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Intended to run as a daemon on the host running Discourse, the bot polls Discourse's latest topics (latest.json) then tweets new topics matching your criteria to your registered Twitter feed.*

Tweets may include a topic thumbnail image, if one exists, and Twitter hashtags & mentions, if those exist. (see Twitter's automation rules at


The file settings.ini, or environment variables, must be populated with keys from both Discourse and Twitter. Instructions for creating Twitter keys can be found at Create a Discourse single-user key at ☰ > Settings > API > New API Key.

Valid setup & desired customizations can be tested before installation. At the command line, running python3 should output the tweet-formatted text of the current most newly created topic, along with the system path of its thumbnail image, if one exists.

The recommended installation method is sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt followed by sudo install /usr/local/bin. Of course running from a user's local python packages or venv works as well. It is left to the user to manage running as a daemon (e.g. using Docker, systemd, etc.)

If installed on a different host from the Discourse instance, the bot must be customized to download topic thumbnail images, if those are desired.

To use the included Dockerfile, all required settings from settings.ini must be passed to docker run using environment variables, e.g. sudo docker build . -t bot followed by sudo docker run -it --env-file settings.ini --entrypoint sh bot to test settings, and sudo docker run -d --env-file settings.ini bot to run as a daemon. To access the Discourse server's images, add a bind mount, e.g. -v /var/discourse/shared/standalone:/var/discourse/shared/standalone

Settings & Customization

The file settings.ini contains authentication credentials and settings.

The default POLLING_INTERVAL is 10 minutes, and TOPIC_REFRESH_INTERVAL interval is 8 minutes, allowing time for Discourse to generate thumbnails.

TWEET_PREPEND TWEET_HASHTAGS TWEET_MENTIONS will be added to the beginning of each tweet, before the URL of the Discourse topic.

Inclusion of thumbnail media in tweets may be disabled by setting TWEET_THUMBNAILS to None or 0.

Further customizations may be made in Some of the best candidates are the build_tweet_string function and the HTMLMentionsParser class.

Credits & Attributions

Thanks to the developers of Discourse and the outstanding Discourse community.

Thanks to the developers of the Discourse & Twitter libraries used, and others:

Thanks also to Evolution Host for provision of a Developer VPS.

* At startup, the bot will poll & wait for new topics to appear in /latest.json (that is, newer by creation date than the newest topic by creation date found on the first polling), then tweet those newer topics. If none among the topics appearing in /latest.json (a 30-item-long list) on the first polling are actually NEW topics (just recently active topics), the bot will tweet the NEWEST among them and continue on; technically this is a design flaw, not a bug.


Bot polls Discourse's latest topics & tweets new topics matching your criteria.








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