The text-extractor service extracts plain text from files in different formats. The following formats are supported:
- PDF (*.pdf)
- Word (*.doc, *.docx)
- HTML (*.html, *.htm)
This service can be executed as a single Python script or within a Docker container.
To execute as a Python application:
python src/extractor/
or using gunicorn:
gunicorn --bind --chdir src/extractor wsgi:app
To build or rebuild the Docker image type (the HTTP_PROXY variable must be set if executed behind a proxy):
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=$HTTP_PROXY
--build-arg https_proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY
--build-arg no_proxy=$NO_PROXY -t text-extractor .
To run the container as a service:
docker run --rm -p <port>:5000 --name text-extractor text-extractor
To run the container interactively:
docker run --interactive --entrypoint /bin/bash -t text-extractor
Check service status locally:
curl http://<host>:5000/v1/health # return service status 'UP'
How to test the extraction endpoint:
curl -F file=@<file> http://<host>:<port>/api/v1.0/documents/extract