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django-reversion-pynamodb is an extension to the Django web framework that provides version control for model instances. Library extends django-reversion-pynamodb library and provides possibility to store version data in DynamoDB database.


  • Python 3.6 or later
  • Django 2.2 or later


  • Roll back to any point in a model instance's history.
  • Recover deleted model instances.
  • Simple admin integration.


Check out the latest django-reversion-pynamodb documentation at Getting Started

Issue tracking and source code can be found at the main project website.


Please check the Changelog before upgrading your installation of django-reversion-pynamodb.


Bug reports, bug fixes, and new features are always welcome. Please raise issues on the django-reversion-pynamodb project site, and submit pull requests for any new code.

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Make a branch off of master and commit your changes to it.
  3. Install requirements.
$ pip install django psycopg2 mysqlclient -e .
  1. Run the tests
$ tests/ test tests
  1. Create a Pull Request with your contribution


The django-reversion-pynamodb project was developed by Dave Hall and contributed to by many other people.