Copyright (C) 2018-2019, 2023-2024, Daniel Roethlisberger.
make install
# check Scripts menu in Hopper
Some of my Hopper scripts that are polished and general enough to be potentially useful to others. They used to run on Hopper 4 on macOS and Linux and are slowly being fixed for Hopper 5 and Python 3.
The scripts use a nicer wrapper API around the strictly procedural Hopper python API, otherwise the scripts are self-contained.
- Analyze Shellcode - detect and annotate typical shellcode patterns: known code blocks, call import by hash, and call/pop reg
- Annotate Stack Strings in Selection - annotate plaintext and XOR-encrypted stack strings
- Annotate Yara Matches - apply a set of yara rules to the currently loaded document and annotate a summary of matching rules as well as each string occurence for matching rules
- Copy Selection As Python - copy bytes in current selection to the clipboard, in python syntax, with assembly code in comments
- Copy Selection As Yara - copy bytes in current selection to the clipboard, in yara syntax, with assembly code in comments
- File Offset Here - add a prefix comment with the file offset at the current cursor position
- Fix Imports By Ordinal - rename labels of imported functions by ordinal to their actual names
- Save Bytes From Here - carve and save an arbitrarily-sized blob of optionally XOR-decrypted bytes from the current cursor position to a file
- Save Selection As Bytes - carve and save an arbitrarily-sized blob of optionally XOR-decrypted bytes based on the current selection to a file
There is no support whatsoever. No communication except in the form of pull requests fixing bugs or adding features. You are on your own.
Source code provided under a 2-clause BSD license.