Before attempting to build the docker images, one should have installed the following required tools and dependencies:
- docker-ce
- make
Just type the following command: make images
Just type the following command: make push-to-dockerhub
Here is an example of a command (for the linux platform) to run the GPS IDE frrom the docker image:
docker run --rm -e DISPLAY=:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v $PWD:/home/dev -it gnat-community:x86_64-linux.2020 bash -c "gps"
Note: on linux platform, before executing the above command, user shall type the command xhost+
There are pre-built images onto Docker Hub which user can pull with the following command:
docker pull dgautherot/gnat-community:tagname
Note: current supported tagname are:
- x86_64-linux.2019
- arm_elf-linux.2019
- x86_64-linux.2020
- arm_elf-linux.2020