Android Studio IDE from Jet-Brains
related to bash shell or scripts
severe bug that blocks users in their daily work and has to be fixed asap
related to commandlets (scripts/command/*)
should be configurable or configuration change
related to our configurator tool that manages IDE settings for Eclipse, Intellij, vscode, etc.
specific for cygwin shell on windows
Pull requests that update a dependency file
related to documentation (AsciiDoc)
needs clarification or details, not ready for implementation
This issue or pull request already exists
something big that needs to be split into smaller stories (issues)
related to the collection of bash functions in functions[-core] file
related to git version control tool (incl. git-bash)
Extra attention is needed
IntelliJ IDE from Jet-Brains
related to Java code, the Java Virtual Machine and directly related tooling (OpenJDK, Adoptium)
related to JavaScript tooling (node, npm, ng, etc.)
licensing, terms of use, etc.
specific for linux OS (debian, ubunutu, suse, etc.)
related to apache maven build tool
related to devon4j project migrator feature (devon java migrate ...)