Solidity Exporter Action automates the process of extracting TypeScript interfaces from Solidity contracts and interfaces and provides compatibility with TypeChain. Developers can seamlessly generate typings with only a few lines of yaml code.
Input | Description | Default | Options |
package_name | name of the package to be published | Required | |
out | path to the out folder containing the compiled contracts |
out | |
interfaces | path to the interfaces directory | src/interfaces | |
contracts | path to the contracts directory | src/contracts | |
libraries | path to the libraries directory | src/libraries | |
export_type | interface for exporting only the interfaces and their ABIs, all for exporting the contracts, libraries, interfaces and their ABIs as well |
interfaces | interfaces, all |
Output | Description |
passed | Boolean describing if the action passed correctly or not |
Solidity Exporter Action generates NPM packages with your interfaces and contracts ABIs using a matrix of arguments with both and then publishes them to NPM:
name: Export And Publish Interfaces And Contracts
on: [push]
name: Generate Interfaces And Contracts
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
export_type: ['interfaces', 'all']
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Foundry
uses: foundry-rs/foundry-toolchain@v1
version: nightly
- name: Use Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 18
registry-url: ''
- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn --frozen-lockfile
- name: Build project and generate out directory
run: yarn build
- name: Update version
run: yarn version --new-version "0.0.0-${GITHUB_SHA::8}" --no-git-tag-version
- name: Export Solidity - ${{ matrix.export_type }}
uses: defi-wonderland/solidity-exporter-action@v1
package_name: '@your-project-name'
out: 'out'
interfaces: 'solidity/interfaces'
contracts: 'solidity/contracts'
libraries: 'solidity/libraries'
export_type: '${{ matrix.export_type }}'
- name: Publish
run: cd export/@your-project-name-${{ matrix.export_type }} && npm publish --access public
NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}
Install the dependencies
// Using yarn
// Using npm
npm install
Run the tests
// Using yarn
yarn test
// Using npm
npm test
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License
Maintained with love by Wonderland. Made possible by viewers like you.