Version 0.6.0
We added basic integration with MLflow, so that models that have the pyfunc
flavor (which is, most of them), can be loaded as predictors. These predictors then works on both pandas and koalas dataframes with no code change. See the documentation example for details. (#353)
We also added the following features:
- sort_values (#366)
- to_list (#379)
- sort_index (#380)
- pipe (#392)
- map (#389)
- empty (#391)
- add (#401)
- radd (#401)
- div (#401)
- divide (#401)
- rdiv (#401)
- truediv (#401)
- rtruediv (#401)
- mul (#401)
- multiply (#401)
- rmul (#401)
- sub (#401)
- substract (#401)
- rsub (#401)
Along with the following improvements: